Northern Rockies Blacksmith Association

Paul Garrett, Resident Artist and Instructor at the John C. Campbell Folk School in Brasstown, NC.

Paul Garrett forging.



Quatrefoil, forged by Paul Garrett                                                                                                                   Iron-Bound Chest



Pot Rack                                                                                                                                                        Screen


Paul, at the world forging competition in Stia, Italy

A native of Anaconda, Montana, Paul is a full-time artist-blacksmith who has been working with metal since 1978. He is owner/operator of the Ironwood Forge in Brasstown, NC and has experience in many different types of projects from architectural to functional to artistic. Paul has attended, assisted and taught many classes at the Folk School and contributed to campus projects during the annual Blacksmith Work Week. His mission as an instructor is to teach good basic smithing techniques and habits early to ensure a good experience for each student. Paul is the John C. Campbell Folk School's Resident Blacksmith.

Northern Rockies Blacksmith Association.   415 St. Mary's Road, Stevensville, MT 59870   406 531-0211

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