ABANA International Conference, July 5 - 8, 2006 Magnuson Park, Seattle.
The NRBA is an affiliate organization of the Artist Blacksmith Association of North America. Every two years ABANA mounts an international convention of blacksmiths. The NRBA contributed by hosting one of the many demonstration sites---in our case for a contingent of twenty blacksmiths from Australia who came to show how it was done on the far side of the world.
NRBA members with our completed sign --- announcing a demonstration at our site by Australian, Doug Moseley.
Yoshindo Yoshihara heat-treating a Japanese sword.
The Australian Team at work in the NRBA-hosted demo site under the watchful eye of Terry Melton (in black hat).
The ABANA Ring Project. Each ring was forged in advance by an affiliate club and assembled into a screen at the conference. Doug Moseley's Kangaroo is in the center.
Australian demonstrator Doug Moseley models his new kilt at the NRBA demonstration site.
Babe Brandon, Terry Melton and Dave Brandon await their turns to try out the Australian Aborigine's Digeridoo.
Dave Biresch admires a bowl made at the conference by Lee Dae Won
Aussie demonstrates his strength.
Lead Australian demonstrator Alan Ball forges a kangaroo head.
Tom Clark punching the eye of a hammer head.
Northern Rockies Blacksmith Association. 415 St. Mary's Road, Stevensville, MT 59870 406 531-0211 sbolinge@aol.com
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Web editor: morris@hallowellco.com