NRBA Conference Spring 2009, at Tom Holcombe's Sore Elbow Forge, Bozeman, Montana, May 15 - 17.

Steve Fontanini of Jackson, Wyoming, Demonstrating.

Steve Fontanini making a point.


Steve Fontanini using a hack top tool to isolate the mass on the end of a bar for a tenon, using flat dies in the power hammer.


Two masters: Steve Fontanini & Glenn Gilmore


Slitting a bar with a chisel.                                                                                                   Then, opening the slit with a round drift.


To make a circular hole in the bar, nearly as large in diameter as the bar is wide, with maximum "frog-eye' bulge and virtually no loss of material.



Recording artist, Frank Donahue


The octagonal bar in the upper photo, with its butchered and fullered round journal, passes through a mortise in middle of the elongated crosspiece. How?


Fontanini checking alignment, using an eyecrometer.


Demonstration sculptural project complete. Note the subtle advertisement for Rat Hole Forge anvils.


NRBA president, Ben Lund


Member-Auctioneers, Tom Holcombe & Jim Bolinger selling a double hanging-plant bracket made by member Marcus Engler. Our regular Saturday night auction provides entertainment for all and raises money to support our activities.






Mr. B with his baptismal font.                                                                      Jim Bolinger with his forged mokume-gane, soft metal damascus.


Ann Hallowell with her iron and fused-glass lantern.                                                              Betty Ellis with her anvil drawing.


Joel Machler with his grap-leaf wall sconce.                                                                                     Juanita Shanklin with her patinated copper bowl.



Watching the demonstration --- a next-generation blacksmith.

Northern Rockies Blacksmith Association.  

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