European shotguns for sale sidelock boxlock guild gun Belgian German Austrian Italian Merkel Sauer Francotte Beretta side by side over & under

European Shotguns                                                                                                               Click on thumbnail.

Beretta AS20-EL Two-Barrel Set 20ga, 2 3/4" $7,995

Two sets O/U matted-vent-rib barrels choked cylinder & improved cylinder

and improved cylinder & modified. 14 3/8" pull from single non-selective

trigger to Pachmayr recoil pad. 1 3/8" - 2 3/8" drop. No cast. Figured

European walnut stocks with slender Deeley-release field forend, straight

English grip, classic point-pattern checkering, and vacant brass initial oval.

Scroll-engraved, coin-finished, scalloped, boxlock action with automatic

ejectors, hold-open toplever, and manual top tang safety. Weight: 5lbs, 10

3/4oz. Built 1961. Both stock and barrels solid tight on the action. 99%+blue.

Ejectors sluggish. Excellent bores. In maker's oak & leather trunk case.


FERLIB Hammer Toplever, Island- 9.3x74R $14,750

Libero Ferraglio Sidelock Double Rifle and 20ga, 2 3/4"

Gardone val Trompia Shotgun Two Barrel Set

23 1/2" SxS chopper-lump double rifle barrels with sculptured ramp front

sight, smooth swamped rib, raised and matted quarter rib with 1 standing

and 2 folding express sights lined and gold-inlaid for 50 & 75 yards. 27" SxS

chopper-lump shotgun barrels with fine bead front sight, and smooth

concave rib, choked improved cylinder & modified. Both ribs with maker's

name inlaid in gold. Prominently black-striated, oil-finished European walnut

stocks with Anson-release beavertail forend fitting double rifle barrels and

Anson-release splinter forend fitting shotgun barrels, horn-capped Prince-

of-Wales grip, beaded pancake cheekpiece, and engraved steel heel-and-toe

plates finishing checkered wood butt. Coin-finished, hammer toplever

action with island sidelocks, rebounding hammers, double Purdey

underbites and concealed third fastener, finely scroll engraved by D. Boe.

Pull: 15". Weight: 7lbs, 5oz as a double rifle; 5lbs, 15 1/4oz as a shotgun.

Built 2001. Very little used. In leather trunk case.


Armas Garbi Model De Luxe, Cased, 12ga, 2 3/4" $19,975

Consecutive Pair, Self-Opening Sidelock Ejectors

26 3/4" SxS chopper-lump barrels with smooth concave ribs, both choked

improved cylinder & modified. 14 5/8" pull from articulated front triggers to

solid black Old English recoil pads. 1 3/8" - 1 3/4" drop. 1/2" cast off. Fully

figured European walnut stocks with Anson-release splinter forend, straight

English grip, teardrops, classic point-pattern checkering, and vacant gold

initial oval. Fine English rose & scroll engraved, coin finished action with

Holland & Holland assisted opening system, automatic ejectors, bushed

firing pins, beaded-edge triggerguard and automatic top tang safety with S

inlaid in gold. All components inlaid 1 & 2 in gold. Weight: 6lbs, 10oz. Built

1991. 99%+ blue. In maker's leather double case.


Armas Garbi Model 200 Sidelock Ejector 20ga, 2 3/4" $4,450

26" SxS chopper-lump barrels with smooth concave rib choked skeet &

modified. 14 1/2" pull from checkered mechanical single non-selective trigger

to checkered wood butt. 1 1/2" - 2 1/4" drop. No cast. Fully figured stocks

of European walnut with Anson-release beavertail forend, straight English

grip, classic point-pattern checkering and teardrops. Full coverage

continental rose & scroll engraving on color-casehardened action with

bushed firing pins and manual top tang safety. Weight: 6lbs, 2oz. Built

1990s. Little used.


Krieghoff K-32 San Remo Grade 12ga 2 3/4", 20ga, 3", $13,750

Four Barrel Skeet Set 28ga 3" & .410 3"

Four sets 28" O/U side-rib-less, matted vent rib barrels of Bohler Laufstahl

with twin bead sights---all choked skeet; the 12 and the 20 ported. Highly

figured European walnut stocks with Deeley-release beavertail forend, full

pistol grip, classic point-pattern checkering, Monte Carlo Comb, and solid

black Decelerator recoil pad. Coin-finished action fully engraved with game

scenes and acanthus scroll; with single-selective trigger, positive-detented

top tang safety, and hold-open toplever. Pull: 13 7/8". Weight: 8lbs, 7oz.

Drop: 1 1/2" - 1 3/4" - 2 7/16". Built 1975. All numbers matching. 99%+blue. 

All in Krieghoff-branded aluminum Americase with manual.


S. Lucchini Pinless Sidelock Ejector 12ga, 2 3/4" $14,750

29″ O/U barrels with matted solid rib choked skeet & modified. 14 5/8" pull

from articulated front trigger to solid black Kick-Eez recoil pad. 1 1/4" - 2

1/8"drop. 5/8" cast-off. Fully figured European walnut stock with Anson-

release semi-beavertail forend, straight English grip, fine classic point-

pattern checkering---wrapping fully around the forend---and gold oval. Low

profile, case hardened, pinless, back-action sidelock action with intercepting

sears, manual top tang safety, hold-open toplever, and beaded-edge

triggerguard, engraved by Goldani with 80% coverage cleanly-cut classic

rose and scroll. Weight: 7lbs, 8oz. Built 1995. Excellent condition, retaining

99%+ barrel blue and 98% casehardening colors. Fine quality leather case

with stitched leather corners lined in burgundy cloth with black Lucchini label.



Mahillon, Brussels Sidelock Ejector Matched Pair 12ga, 2 3/4" $12,950

28" SxS chopper-lump barrels with matted concave ribs and brass bead front

sights, choked improved cylinder & improved modified and improved

modified & full. 14 3/8" pull from articulated front trigger to checkered wood

butt. 1 3/16" - 1 7/8" drop. 1/2" cast off. Highly figured black-streaked

European walnut stocks with Anson pushbutton-release splinter forends,

straight English grips, fine classic point-pattern checkering, and teardrops.

Coin-finished, subtly-bolstered, bar action sidelocks with bushed firing

pins, concealed third fasteners, automatic ejectors, and manual top tang

safeties, fully engraved with foliate scroll. Weight: 6lbs, 2 1/2oz. Built 1953/4.

Excellent bores. Barrels ring like chimes. Tight. Ejectors in time.


Manufrance Ideal, Grade 4 Ejector 12ga, 2 3/4" $7,450

27 1/2" SxS cross-dovetailed chopper-lump barrels [like a Winchester 21]

with sunken matted rib choked improved modified & extra full. 14 3/4" pull

from front trigger to Silvers thin red rubber recoil pad. 1 3/8" - 2 3/4" drop.

1/2" cast off. Figured, oil-finished, European walnut stocks with Anson-

release splinter forend, fine point-pattern skip-line checkering, straight

English grip, and retractable sling swivel. Casehardened Manufrance Ideal

round-body action with automatic ejectors, chamber-loaded indicators,

double Purdey underbites and modified Bissell rising bite third fastener

engaging active dolls head, easily operated via finger-lever behind

triggerguard. Fine scroll engraved and with deeply-chiseled fences. Weight:

7lbs, 3/4oz. 99%blue. 80% casehardening colors. Tight, Excellent bores.

Ejectors in time.
Click for explanation of traditional Merkel grades.  

Merkel 201-E Boxlock Ejector 12ga, 2 3/4" $3,450

26 3/4" O/U solid-rib barrels choked improved cylinder & full, 14 3/4"pull

from articulated front trigger to leather covered pad, 1 3/8" - 2 3/8" drop, 3/8"

cast-off. Lightly figured walnut stock with slender Deeley-release three-

piece field forend and straight English grip. Scalloped, French-gray receiver

with double Kersten locks, cocking indicators, automatic ejectors and

manual top tang safety, engraved with scenes of a setter flushing two

partridge on the left and a fox flushing two ducks on the right accented with

scroll. Weight: 6lbs, 15oz. Built 1987. 99%blue.


Merkel 203-E Hand-Detachable 12ga, 2 3/4" $5,975

Sidelock Ejector

28" O/U matted-solid-rib barrels choked improved modified & extra full. 14

3/8" pull from articulated front trigger to thin black recoil pad. 1 3/8" - 2 7/16"

drop. 1/4" cast off. Figured European walnut stocks with Deeley-release

three-piece field forend, capped pistol grip, sling swivels, and beaded

pancake cheekpiece. Full coverage Arabesque scroll engraved action with

double Kersten locks, hand-detachable sidelocks, manual top tang safety,

hold-open toplever, and cocking indicators. Weight: 7lbs, 7oz. Built 1974.

99%+blue. Hunting wear on stocks. Tight, and with excellent bores.


Merkel 301-E Boxlock Ejector 20ga, 2 5/8" $10,975

Two Barrel Set

Two pairs O/U matted vent-rib barrels of Krupp Laufstahl with ivory bead

front sights and with Merkel name inlaid in gold: 28" choked improved

cylinder & improved modified, and 30" choked full & extra full. 15"pull from

checkered single-selective trigger to hand-checkered high-polish-blued steel

buttplate. 1 5/8" - 2 3/8"drop. 3/8" cast-off. Lightly figured European walnut

stock with Deeley-release three-piece splinter forend interchangeable

between barrel sets, engraved steel-capped pistol grip, classic point-pattern

checkering, beaded pancake cheekpiece, and sling swivels. Scroll-engraved,

scalloped, casehardened Anson&Deeley action with double underbites,

double Kersten locks, automatic ejectors, rotary cocking indicators and

manual top tang safety. Screws behind fences indicate intercepting sears.

Weight: 6lbs, 13oz with the 26" barrels; 7lbs with the 30" barrels. Built 1937,

possibly benchmade by a highly skilled gunsmith; someone else inlaying

the Merkel name on the ribs afterwards. Very little used, retaining 99%+blue

and 99% case colors. Sparkling high-polish blue on furniture.


Merkel 304-E Hand-Detachable 12ga, 2 3/4" $9,450

Sidelock Ejector

30" O/U matted-vent-rib barrels choked improved cylinder & extra full with

removeable sling swivel. 15 1/8" pull from articulated front trigger to

checkered walnut buttplate. 1 3/8" - 2 1/4" drop. 1/4" cast off. Fully figured

European walnut stocks with Deeley-release ventilated three-piece field

forend, capped pistol grip with "Shelhamer" chinstrap, and beaded pancake

cheekpiece. Full coverage Arabesque scroll engraved action with double

Purdey underbites and double Kersten locks, concealed-release sidelocks,

manual top tang safety, and cocking indicators. Weight: 7lbs, 15 3/4oz.

Built 1964. 99%+blue. Tight, and with excellent bores. In later Merkel-labeled

leather-trimmed canvas-covered trunk case with leather-trimmed suede



Merkel 304-E Hand-Detachable 12ga, 2 3/4" $9995

.                       Sidelock Ejector

28" O/U matted-solid-rib barrels of Bohler steel with single bead front sight,

choked improved cylinder & improved modified. 14 5/8" pull from single selective

trigger to original buttplate. 1 1/2" - 2 3/8" drop. 1/4" cast-off. Figured

walnut stock with straight English grip, 3-piece splinter forend with Deeley

pull-down latch and horn-bushed side-strip mounting screws, classic point-

pattern checkering, never fitted with swivels or cheekpiece. Fully scroll-

engraved, grey-etched, concealed-release, hand-detachable, sidelock action

with intercepting sears, automatic top tang safety, double Purdey

underbites and double Kersten locks, Weight: 7lbs, 2oz. Built 1966. Both

Suhl and Birmingham proofs. Retaining 99% barrel blue. Tight. Excellent



Merkel 304-E Hand-Detachable 12ga, 2 3/4" $9,750

Sidelock Ejector

28" O/U matted-solid-rib barrels choked improved modified & extra full. 14

1/2" pull from articulated front trigger to original buttplate. 1 1/2" - 2 1/2"

drop. 1/4" cast off. Figured European walnut stocks with Deeley-release 3-

piece field forend, capped pistol grip with Shelhamer "chinstrap" classic

point-pattern checkering, classic comb, beaded pancake cheekpiece, and

sling swivels. Coin-finished sidelock action with double Purdey underbites

and double Kersten locks, cocking indicators, concealed-release lockplates,

and manual top tang safety. Weight: 7lbs, 2oz. Built 1965. 99% blue.

Excellent bores. In leather case.


Merkel 304-E Hand-Detachable 12ga, 2 3/4" $11,975

Sidelock Ejector

30" O/U matted vent rib barrels choked extra full & extra full, 14 7/8"pull from

single selective trigger to leather covered pad, 1 5/8" - 2 5/8"drop, 3/8"cast-

off. Figured walnut stock with straight grip and slight perch-belly, Deeley-

release three-piece splinter forend with horn-bushed side-strip mounting

screws, classic point-pattern checkering and silver oval. Fully scroll-engraved

French-gary receiver with double underbites, double Kersten locks, intercepting

sears, concealed lockplate release, hold-open toplever, cocking indicators and

manual top-tang safety. Weight: 8lbs, 8oz. Built 1965. 99%blue. In leather trunk case. 


Merkel 203-E Sidelock Ejector Two 16ga/16ga & $7995

Barrel Combination Set 16ga/5.6x57R

28" O/U shotgun barrels with solid matted rib choked improved modified &

full. 25" O/U combination barrels with solid matted rib, by Krieghoff in

1970 choked improved-modified with folding rifle sight and B Nickel 4-6x

scope with bold post and crossbar reticle on quick-detachable claw mounts.

All shotgun chambers 2 3/4". 15 1/8"pull from articulated front single-set

trigger to thick horn buttplate. 1 1/2" - 2 3/4"drop. Lightly figured walnut

stock with Deeley-release 3-piece field forend interchangeable between both

sets of barrels, steel triggerguard, capped pistol grip, classic point-pattern

checkering, swivels and beaded pancake cheekpiece. Fully arabesque-scroll-

engraved, French-gray receiver with hand-detachable sidelocks, intercepting

sears, cocking indicators and double Kersten locks. Weight: 7lbs, 4oz as a

shotgun; 9lbs as a scoped combination gun. Built in 1969. 99%+blue.


Perazzi Model MX-3, Grade SCO Gold 12ga, 2 3/4" $7950

27 1/2" O/U barrels with matted ventilated top rib, single nickel-silver front

bead and no side ribs, choked modified & full. 14 5/8"pull from gold plated

inertia single trigger, firing the top barrel (modified) first, to solid black Kick-Eez

recoil pad. 1 1/2" - 2 1/4" drop. 3/8" cast off. Fully figured European walnut stocks

with schnabel-tipped, Deeley-release field forend, classic point-pattern

checkering, classic comb and pistol grip. Fine scroll and game scene

engraved by Claudio Cremini on coin-finished action and with 3 ducks

inlaid in gold on the left, two woodcock inlaid in gold on the right and a gold

pointer with woodcock in mouth on the underside. Gold-washed removable

triggergroup. Weight: 7lbs 2 1/2oz. Built 1983. 99% blue. In Perazzi hard case.

Perazzi Mirage Special Two Barrel Set 12ga 2 3/4" $7,495

27 1/2" & 29 1/2" O/U with flat matted vent rib barrels, vented side ribs,

white front beads, brass middle beads. The shorter barrels with a total of

seven Briley choke tubes. The longer barrels choked modified & full. 14

1/16" pull from gold plated single trigger to Pachmayr recoil pad. 1 1/2" - 1

1/2" drop. 1/2" cast off. Straight grained walnut stocks with Deeley-release

semi-beavertail forend, classic point-pattern checkering, and pistol grip.

Weight: 7lbs, 13 1/4oz with longer barrels. Blued receiver with maker's name

and model inlaid in gold. Removable trigger group fires bottom barrel first.

Built 1985. 99%+ blue. Tight, and with excellent bores. All in aluminum

airline trunk case.


Perazzi Trigger Group $795

Interchangeable trigger group for Perazzi shotgun. Single, non-selective, gold-plated trigger.

Fires top barrel first. With leather pouch.


Perugini & Visini Boxlock Double Rifle & 9.3x74R & 20ga, $18,975

Shotgun Set 3" Magnum

23 3/4" SxS dovetail-lump rifle barrels with ramp front sight, matted quarter

rib, I standing gold-lined express sight engraved for 50 meters, hand-

removable extractor and Kahles 1.1-4.5x20mm scope with fine pointed-post

and crossbars reticle on quick-detachable claw mounts. 28" SxS monoblock

shotgun barrels with flat matted rib, 3" chambers, choked modified & full.

Fully figured walnut stock with lever-release splinter forend, steel capped

pistol grip, beaded pancake cheekpiece, flat sidepanels, extended upper and

lower tangs, beaded-edge triggerguard, classic point pattern checkering, no

swivels and with smooth solid red recoil pad. Scalloped-edge, reinforced,

casecolorhardened receiver with manual top tang safety, articulated front

trigger, borderline engraving and with fine growling lion on underside by

Claudio Tomasoni. Pull: 14 3/8". Drop: 1 3/8" - 2 1/4". No cast. Weight: 7lbs

as a shotgun; 8lbs, 5oz as a plain rifle; 9lbs, 5oz as a scoped rifle. In makers

leather-cornered canvas-covered hard case with canvas overcase. Built 1997

and with shotgun barrels added by the maker in 2001. 99%+blue. 90%

casecolors. Tight, and with excellent bores.


Piotti Piuma BSEE Boxlock Ejector 12ga, 2 3/4" $8,975

27 1/2" SxS chopper-lump barrels with flat matted rib choked modified &

improved modified. 14 15/16" pull from front trigger to leather-covered recoil

pad. 1 1/2" - 1 3/4" drop. No cast. Fully figured European walnut stocks with

Anson pushbutton-release beavertail forend, diamond cross-section

straight English grip and fine classic point-pattern checkering. Scalloped,

coin-finished action with automatic ejectors, manual top tang safety, and

beaded-edge triggerguard, with fine English rose & scroll engraving by

Granetti. Weight: 6lbs, 12oz. Built 1980. Tight. 99%blue. In leather-trimmed,

canvas-covered motor case.

Piotti King #1 Sidelock Ejector 12ga, 2 3/4" $17,975

28" SxS chopper-lump barrels with flat hand-filed rib choked modified & full.

14" pull from stippled mechanical single non-selective trigger to red rubber

recoil pad. 1 3/8" - 1 3/4" drop. 1/2" cast-off. Figured European walnut

stocks with Anson-release beavertail forend, pistol grip, and fine borderless

point-pattern checkering. Coin-finished action finely engraved with full

coverage tight scroll and floral details by Granetti and with maker's name,

crown on toplever, and S for the manual top tang safety inlaid in gold.

Bushed firing pins and beaded-edge triggerguard. Weight: 7lbs, 15oz. Built

1984. Excellent condition. Ejectors in perfect time. In maker's leather trunk

case with trade label.


Flli Rizzini R3-E Boxlock Ejector 12ga, 2 3/4" $24,795

29" SxS chopper-lump barrels with smooth concave rib, ported, and with a

total of 9 Briley interchangeable choke tubes. 14 7/8" pull from front trigger

to solid black Kick-Eez recoil pad. 1 1/4" - 1 7/8" drop. 3/8" cast off. Highly

figured Circassian walnut stocks with Anson pushbutton-release splinter

forend, pistol grip, flat sidepanels, classic comb, and no checkering.

Scalloped, pinless, coin-finished boxlock action with intercepting sears,

manual top tang safety and S inlaid in gold, and with fine English rose &

scroll engraving by G. Contessa. Weight: 6lbs, 14 1/2oz. Built 2023. Little

used. In maker's leather trunk case.


Johann Springer's Hand-Detachable Sidelock 20ga, 2 3/4" $15,975

Erben, Vienna Ejector Two-Barrel Set

Two pairs 27 1/2" O/U chopper-lump, matted vent-rib barrels of Bohler

Antinit steel, engraved Zylinder Bohr choked improved modified &

modified, and engraved Choke Bohr choked improved modified & full. 14"

pull from right-canted, checkered, single-selective trigger to solid red rubber

Old English recoil pad. 1 3/4" - 3 1/8" drop. 3/8" cast-off. Fully figured

European walnut stock with one Deeley-release 3-piece field forend fitting

both barrel sets interchangeably, long-tang horn-capped pistol grip, and

classic point-pattern checkering. Full coverage English scroll-engraved,

casehardened, hand-detachable, sidelock action with intercepting sears,

double Purdey underbites, double Kersten locks, bushed firing pins with

double retaining setscrews, barrel selector beside the trigger and with O and

U inlaid in gold, automatic ejectors, and automatic top tang safety with S

inlaid in gold. No swivels or cheekpiece. Weight: 7lbs, 2 3/4oz. Ordered in

1951 by Robert Lambert of Beverly Hills and Vienna Nitro Proved in 1952.

99% barrel blue. 75% casehardening colors. Tight and with excellent bores.

Copy of page from maker's order book. In maker's oak & leather trunk case

with brass corners, cleaning rod and maker's oil bottle.


Vouzelaud Model 5E Sidelock Ejector 12ga, 2 3/4" $2495.

30" SxS chopper-lump barrels with smooth concave rib choked skeet &

improved cylinder. 14 1/2" pull from articulated front trigger to leather-

covered recoil pad with leather-covered mounting screw plugs. 1 1/4" - 2"

drop. 1/2" cast-off. Lightly figured, oil-finished European walnut stock with

Anson-pushbutton-release splinter forend, straight English grip, fine classic

point-pattern checkering, teardrops, and vacant silver initial oval. Border-

engraved, coin-finished, bar-action sidelock action with intercepting sears,

automatic ejectors, bushed firing pins with retaining setscrews, concealed

third fastener, manual top tang safety, and finely executed mallard in flight

engraved on the underside. Weight: 6lbs, 15oz. Belgian and French proofs.

Sleeved. Ejectors in time. Tight and with excellent bores. In maker's leather

trunk case with trade label and load card.


Vouzelaud Matched Consecutive Pair 20ga, 2 3/4" $9,995

Model 315 ELS Boxlock Ejectors

27 1/2" SxS barrels with smooth concave rib and brass bead front sight

choked improved cylinder & improved modified. 14 1/8"pull from front

trigger to engraved skeleton buttplate---checkered within. 1 1/2" - 3" drop.

3/8" cast off. Figured walnut stock with Anson release beavertail forend

(with gold inlaid initials OLP), round knob half pistol grip, sling swivels and

classic point-pattern checkering. Scalloped, coin-finished action with

concealed third fastener and automatic top tang safety, fine scroll and game

scene engraved signed Petiot MOF and with deep chiseled oakleaves on

fences and gold inlaid viscount's crest on triggerguard. All components

numbered 1 and 2 in gold. St Etienne Triple Epreuve. Weight: 5lbs, 12 3/4oz,

each. 99%+ barrel blue. A small patch of discoloration on left side of Gun #1

action. Built 1985. Tight, and with excellent bores. In maker's leather double

trunk case.


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